The Brookfield Public Safety Advisory Committee met in person as warned.
The following members attended: Michael Rutkovsky, Stuart Edson, Mike Stoddard and Lew Stowell. Jon Kaplan, guest speaker and Skip Smith, member of the public attended.
5:30 PM: Called to Order. There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
Review, revise or approve the August 25, 2021 meeting minutes. Approved 4-0.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Presentation by Jon Kaplan, P.E. | Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Operations and Safety Bureau, Vermont Agency of Transportation.
Jon Kaplan presented a power point presentation on bicycle and pedestrian safety along with three handouts. He answered questions from Skip Smith and members of the committee. He left the meeting with a list of questions to research and get back to the committee. The discussion during and after the presentation focused on possible solutions to improving pedestrian and bicycle safety in Pond Village specifically and roads in Brookfield generally. The Committee will gather as many solutions as possible and then determining their likely pros and cons before making recommendations to the Select Board.
Review and Discussion of OCSD Activities including Patrol Hours, Reports and Bills. No bill or report has been received for August so far.
Speed Cart Deployments- The reports from the September Southbound Ridge Road deployment was reviewed and discussed.
Communication with the Select Board- Chairperson Stowell will send an email to the Select Board members requesting that a Select Board member be assigned as liaison to the Public Safety Committee to improve communication between the board and the committee.
Traffic, Road Name and Weight Limit Sign Status- Chairperson Stowell has spoken with Road Foreman Tim Higgins and because of road projects such as the Southern end of Twin Pond Road no additional signs have been installed.
Traffic Ordinance Status- The ordinance is awaiting a public meeting which is made problematic by the increase in the Delta Variant of Covid-19.
Parking Issues in Brookfield- The Summer Season concluding has reduced the number of vehicles to needing to be parked.
October Public Safety Message- L. Stowell will send some previous safety messages to M. Stoddard as assistance in preparing the next Safety Message.
Setting the Next Meeting- October 20, 2021 at 5:30 PM at the Brookfield Congregational Church.
Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting- Todd Eaton of the Local Roads Program, AOT will be invited.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was entertained at 6:42 PM. Approved 4-0.