The Brookfield Public Safety Advisory Committee met in person as warned.
The following members attended: Mike Stoddard, Michael Rutkovsky, Stuart Edson and Lew Stowell.
5:30 PM: Call to Order: There were no additions or deletions to the agenda
- Review, revise or approve the October 20, 2021 meeting minutes. Approved as written. 4-0.
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public- No members of the public attended.
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety- Developing a list of options. The committee discussed the draft options and added some new ones. They then divided the options into two categories: ones that could be accomplished in the near term and those that either needed more research or would take a longer time to accomplish. L Stowell to rearrange the Options as determined by the committee and to submit to the Select Board as recommendations for action.
- Review and Discussion of OCSD Activities including Patrol Hours, Reports and Bills. The OCSD has performed 82 hours of patrols costing $ 3852.00 in the July to October time period which is approximately 30% of the FY 2022 budget. The committee also received a letter from Sheriff Bohnyak documenting why he was increasing the cost of a patrol hour in FY 2023 from $48.00 to $52.00. L Stowell to thank Sherriff Bohnyak for providing advance warning of the price increase so the committee has time to make recommendations to the Select Board for a OCSD budget in FY 2023. The committee will take the matter up in their December meeting.
- Speed Cart Deployments- There were no new deployments. L Stowell to contact Cpt Clouatre as to whether the Peed Cart season is over.
- Traffic, Road Name and Weight Limit Sign Status- L Stowell to contact Dennis Larocque and Kate Threlkeld about obtaining a detailed traffic sign inventory of what is in place, what is ordered and what is still needed so that the Committee can make recommendations on the FY 2023 budget.
- Traffic Ordinance Status- No change.
- Parking Issues in Brookfield- Still being reviewed.
- December Public Safety Message- S. Edson to work on a pedestrian bicycle safety portion and Mike Stoddard to work on Covid 19 and holiday safety tips.
- Setting the Next Meeting-December 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM at the Brookfield Congregational Church
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting- LT Hugh O’Donnell, Royalton Barracks Commander, VSP is tentatively scheduled. L Stowell will confirm.
- Final Public Comment- No members of the public attended.
- Entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 PM. Approved 4-0.