WEDNESDAY JULY 25, 2018 AT 5:30 PM
The following members attended: Stuart Edson, Mike Stoddard, Dan Mason, Michael Rutkovsky and Lew Stowell.
- Review and Approve Minutes of June 27,2018: Approved unanimously.
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public: No members of the public attended.
- Guest: Enforcement & Safety Division, VT DMV: No one was available to attend.
- Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills: June bill and report reviewed. Stowell to send an email requesting patrol logs each month, and request patrolling during at least a few of the Old Town Hall events.
- Continuing Review of Parking Enforcement on Stone Road: Stowell to send a report on Committee efforts to research the problem to J. Benson, Select Board Chair. M. Rutkovsky to speak with an engineer at AOT.
- Keeping in Touch with the Select Board and Highway Department: L. Stowell to discuss possible methods with J. Benson, Select Board Chair.
- Increasing Parking in Pond Village: Edson to research Zoning Bylaws. L. Stowell to query Select Board on next steps.
- Reflective E-911 House Number Signs Project: D. Mason presented Rule Sign sample. Niebling unable to attend. D. Mason to query Vermont Correctional Industries (VCI) whether their signs have holes. If so, to go with VCI signs. S. Edson to create a spreadsheet with the names of residents who want signs to provide to T. Godfrey. L. Stowell to send him one as well wit additional names. The project needs to be completed soon.
- Discussion of movable radar speed display signs: Unanimous agreement that having OCSD provide their “Speed Cart” from time to time at locations with up to date signs was a cost-effective way to encourage safe speeds. The Committee will continue to stay informed of current speed display sign technology. Stowell will provide a current list of requested sites for the “Speed Cart” to OCSD.
- August Public Safety Message: The safety message to be combined with the E-911 House Number Sign request for other people wanting signs. E-911 House Number Sign request to be put on Front Porch Forum.
- Setting the Next Meeting: August 22, 2018.
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting: D. Mason to invite someone from DMV Enforcement & Safety Division. If not confirmed by August 15, another guest may be invited.
- Adjournment: 7:12 PM.