WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022, 5:30 PM
The Brookfield Public Safety Advisory Committee met in person as warned.
The following members attended: Mike Stoddard, Stuart Edson and Lew Stowell. Dennis LaRocque, Select Board Member and Road Commissioner, Kevin Wheatley, Fire Chief, LT Hugh O’Donnell, VSP, Sheriff William Bohnyak, OCSD and Starr Strong, Health Officer attended as guests.
- 5:30 PM: Call to Order There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
- Review, revise or approve the April 06, 2022 meeting minutes. Approved with one correction. “L. Stowell attended the April 11, 2022 Select Board meeting.” 3-0.
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public- No members of the public attended.
- Hippo Park Needle Discussion: After a thorough discussion by all present, It was agreed to recommend to the Select Board that Hippo Park be observed by law enforcement officers and others to determine if the needle discoveries were an isolated incident and if not, what action(s) might be taken. L. Stowell to send needle disposal directions to S. Edson.
Survivermont Presentation: LT Hugh O’Donnell, VSP- LT O’Donnell explained that “Survivermont” is a statewide active shooter public safety training program presentation to the general public lasting about 1 to 1.5 hours. This might be a good program to be presented at the Old Town Hall. L. Stowell to provide LT O’Donnell contact information for the Old Town Hall Committee.
- Speed Cart and Patrol Deployments: OCSD & VSP- LT O’Donnell agreed to place the VSP Speed Cart on Route 14 for two weeks this Summer. L. Stowell to provide Clotilde Hryshko’s contact info to LT O’Donnell. The OCSD Speed Cart was deployed to the Ridge Road.
Upcoming Events Involving Brookfield: S. Edson to approach Green Mountain Gravel for more information about their October bike race to travel through a part of Brookfield.
Highway Dept Coordination and Traffic Sign Deployment Plan: Dennis Larocque, Road Com. D. LaRocque to find out if all of FY 2022 traffic sign money has been spent and if not, to do so.
- Review and Discussion of OCSD Activities including Patrol Hours, Reports and Bills- Sheriff Bohnyak explained that his Dept. was down several officers but was making every effort to provide patrols in Brookfield, particularly in the summer months.
- Vehicle, Pedestrian, Horse and Bicycle Safety- Grant Exploration-L Stowell to contact people known to ride or drive horses on town highways about ways to increase their safety.
- Town Meeting Preparation (May 21, 2021)- L. Stowell to present a brief PSAC Report.
- Traffic Ordinance Status- D. LaRocque suggested that L. Stowell send a corrected version to the Select Board for adoption. LT O’Donnell pointed out that the Judicial Bureau Waiver Penalty Schedule is revised annually and that the traffic ordinance should cite it as the “current” Waiver Penalty Schedule. Edson to check with the Town Treasurer about traffic ticket income.
- Parking Issues in Brookfield- L. Stowell to talk with the local VTRANS person about signs.
- May Public Safety Message- M. Stoddard to create and send a draft to L. Stowell
- Setting the Next Meeting- June 22, 2022
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting- CPT Scott Clouatre, OCSD to be invited.
- Final Public Comment- None
Entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting. Approved at 6:59. 3-0.