Minutes of Special Meeting 2 June 2015

Special Meeting June 2, 2015 5:30 PM Town Clerk’s Office   Present:  John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett, Ray Peck, Kasey Peterson Call to Order  5:30 Public Comments – none Paving Bids – Bids from Pike Industries and Blaktop were compared.  Final decision tabled until we have confirmation of the grant from Vtrans. Motion…


Selectboard Meeting of May 25, 2015 (approved)

Brookfield Selectboard Meeting of May 25, 2015 Town Clerk’s Office on Ralph Road Selectboard: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett Public Attendees: Teresa Godfrey (Recorder), John Bowmer (WRVA Rep. /EMT), Pat Cassidy (WRVA Rep. /EMT), Nick Tarr (WRVA Rep. /EMT), Scott Karlan (WRVA Rep. /EMT) 1.  Call to Order: Mr. Benson called the meeting…


Special Selectboard Meeting of May 18, 2015 (Approved)

Brookfield Selectboard Meeting of May 18, 2015 Town Clerk’s Office on Ralph Road Special Meeting Selectboard: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett Public Attendees: Teresa Godfrey (Recorder), Ray Peck (Road Foreman) 1.  Call to Order: Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 5:35 p. m. 2.  New Business: On motion by Mr. Haggett,…

Agenda for 5/20 Library Meeting

AGENDA FOR BROOKFIELD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUSTEE MEETING< Wednesday May 20 8:30 AM -Review and Acceptance of the Minutes -Treasurer’s Report -Librarian’s Report -Old Business…any? -Upcoming Business >Barb’s presentation >Floating bridge book sale >Summer programming .children’s music program .VPR program .Other book sale >Spelling bee -Policy review for using library space -New library board member-…


Selectboard Meeting Minutes of May 11, 2015 (Approved)

Brookfield Selectboard Meeting of May 11, 2015 Town Clerk’s Office on Ralph Road Selectboard: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett Public Attendees: Teresa Godfrey (Recorder), Ray Peck (Road Foreman) 1.  Call to Order: Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 7:08 p. m. 2.  Adjustments to Agenda: No adjustments were made to the…

Selectboard Meeting Minutes of April 27, 2015 (approved)

Brookfield Selectboard Meeting of April 27, 2015 Town Clerk’s Office on Ralph Road Selectboard: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett Public Attendees: Teresa Godfrey (Recorder), Ray Peck (Road Foreman) 1.  Call to Order: Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 7:10 p. m. 2.  Adjustments to Agenda: No adjustments were made to the…

Household Hazardous Waste Day

Spring 2015 Household Hazardous and Business Waste Collection Day Saturday, May 16, 2015 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM At the Closed Landfill past the Randolph transfer Station This Event is for the residents of Randolph, Brookfield, Braintree and Northfield ONLY! Accepted Materials Include: Acids, Adhesives, Aerosols, Antifreeze, Brake Fluid, Cements, Charcoal Lighters, Chlorine, Cleaning Fluid,…

Minutes of the 4/22/15 Meeting of Brookfield Library Trustees

1. Present and Voting: A.Borgman, C.Wright, D.Childs, M.Foran. Absent: K.Anderson. Present and Non-Voting: L.Rochat. 2. Minutes of the 3/24/15 Meeting Approved. 3. Treasurer’s Report: Income exceeding expenses. Overall moneys, courtesy of our bequest, in fine shape. 4. Librarian’s Report: Laura is planning summer events including story hours (Sat and maybe one evening a week), VPR…